TPOVU User access upgraded!0User security level incorrect - no changes made!U = to quit)? -Is this the correct number to call you back? -Callback verify attempt - phone number wrong? One moment please... Verifying user at S-DISC"The system will now call you back.,When your phone rings, answer by typing ATA. Dialing Sysop: Press ^A to abort dial Sysop aborted callback! Aborted... RINGING Ringing... Busy - verification failure NO CARRIER!No carrier - verification failure VOICE#Voice answer - verification failure CONNECT Unexpected modem response: .Local test mode - press any key to continue...U - 2 D I b l q { $There are no messages on the system. There are currently active messages on the system.&The system has messages numbered from ..Enter message number to delete, [Enter]=Quit: #Searching Messages, Please Wait ...$Sorry, but that is not your message!!Message has already been deleted!U Press S to Stop or P to Pause. OFF *Sorry, no available message boards to you.8Enter Board Number(s) to toggle, Each separated by Space:ON-toggles all on, OFF-toggles all off, -quit and save Saving Combined settings. User assigned combined record #U 5Enter Board Number to Change to, or [Enter] to Quit: Press S to Stop or P to Pause.*Sorry, no available message boards to you.U L { PVTUPLD.LOG Filename: Uploader: Date/Time: Description: U Xmodem Xmodem 1K Ymodem Ymodem-G SEAlink Zmodem NoneU 9File transfer operations require at least a baud rate of DNLDHRS hh:mm*Sorry, downloads are only allowed between and Enter Password to Download: WP$Attempted Password Download on Menu Invalid Password! *F+System Error: Invalid file area specified!3Sorry, you do not have download access to this area File not found. Enter Filename to Download: U Invalid Filename! Try again ... RATIOK3That would exceed your allowed download K ratio of RATIO-That would exceed your allowed file ratio of 6Daily download limit would be exceeded with this file. Filename: Size of File: Blocks / Bytes Transfer Time: Minutes Seconds at Baud Protocol: 1Sorry, not enough time remaining for download ...,Ready to send file, press to abort. Download- File transfer request completed.(File transfer request was not completed.MMultiple files may be sent, enter each filename to send separated by a space./Enter filename(s) to send (wildcards are valid) > An invalid filename was entered! One moment ... QBBSXFER.INF :Daily download limit would be exceeded with this transfer. No files to send. Files Requested: Size of Transfer: Blocks Transfer Time: Minutes Seconds baud Protocol: 'Not enough time remaining for download.'Ready to send, press to abort. No files were sent. One file sent successfully. files out of sent successfully. All files sent successfully.U *F+System Error: Invalid file area specified!+Sorry, uploads are not allowed in this area One Moment ...!Not enough free space for upload!< Enter Upload Filename: U Invalid filename! Try again ... ] already exists here! Attempted duplicate upload of +Please enter a description for your upload.=Begin description with a slash (/) if file is for Sysop only. > .Description must be at least three characters! File Name: Drive Space: Bytes Free / Bytes Total Protocol: /Ready to receive file, press to abort. Upload not completed ... Upload- Thanks for the upload! FILES.BBS @Ready to receive file(s), press several times to abort. QBBSXFER.INF Q$$$TEMP.INF duplicate file(s) deflected. No files received. One file received. files received.F [---------------------------------------] Q$$$TEMP.INF! Error: Unable to open Please Describe N"^"s" #+#0#5#Q#[#`#o# $8$G$h$w$ %8%C%H%m%x% &0&?&K&Y&h&v& '#'G'R'\'o'{' '7(j(o(}( )'),)1);)@)S)^)y) *!***8*G*U*]*m*r* +!+@+J+O+Y+^+l+q+ ,',1,6,A,F,P,U,p,u,z, -!-&-+-9->-H-M-R-a- .(.=.Q.[.d.i.n.s. /&/+/0/@/J/T/]/b/o/t/ 0E0P0v0 &Sending SYSTEM.LOG Messages to Printer Logging User On-Line EXITINFO.BBS missing!!Return from DOS Exit (Local Mode) Return from DOS Exit ( Baud) Local Operation Only 19200 38400 External Caller at Baud3Invalid Baud Rate Specified or Caller Disconnected! mm-dd-yy 01-01-80 Scheduled Event in Minutes at hh:mm%Exiting After Caller at ERRORLEVEL = U >:C` w -0C0S0X0c0 1#1-121@1N1X1 102:2E2J2T2d2 3(3:3N3v3 3,4>4f4 6#63686B6c6r6 7'787A7l7z7 8'858@8E8J8\8i8t8y8~8 9#9<9I9W9b9g9l9~9 :':1:6:i:n:|: ;);.;8;=;B;b;r;}; <'% &.&?&I&X&x& '6'L']'g'v' ('(6(N(X(i(n(}( )!)X)`)~) *G+d+i+x+ ,5,u, .-.2.<.P.U.Z. 6!6/6=6[6i6 7#767I7_7o7~7 8$848C8x8 929B9M9W9i9n9x9 :&:0:D: ;!;*;C; ;P<`=>G>V>u> ?9?G?L?R?o? @#@1@K@`@n@ AEAPAdAmA B,B4BHBYB^BvB{B C0C@CEC D(D0D E#E+E=EPEZE_EvE F$F)F5FEFVF[FeFnF}F G!G&G+G=GJGOGTGfGsGxG}G H!H1HKHUH I#I(I7I J#J(J/J?JJJTJ]J 00:00 01-01-80U Subject? &Enter "ALL" if message is to everyone. Who is this message to? Sysop4You can not enter a message to the Sysop in an echo! All+You can not enter a private message to ALL! Searching user list for , one moment ... Sorry, $ is not a valid user of this system.U Private MessageU Kill message after sentU Attach file(s) to message File(s): Could not find , Try again or [Enter] to exitU Send message via crash mailU Only two lines left! This is your last line ... Message is full!U Enter Line Number to Delete (1- Line # Reads: Delete this line deleted from message.U Enter Line Number to Edit (1- Line # Reads: Old String? " was not found in line # New String? " is too long to fit in line #U Enter Line Number to Format (1- [C]enter Line [R]ight Justify [L]eft Justify [A]bort Format Function Format Command: CRLAU >> System Error: Invalid Message Board Number <<*Sorry, no message boards available to you! )>> System Error: Missing Board Number <<@>> Authorization must be granted for access to message board <> System Error: Nodelist files are missing! << Re: 'You do not have enough credit to reply!$WARNING: Replying to unlisted node! Would you like to continue Quoting Reply Text ... Loading Editor ... Lost carrier Saving your message... Message aborted. Error executing editor - code MSGTMP PRIVATE PUBLIC This will be a message to .E Enter message text now (66 lines maximum/72 characters per line).J Words will wrap automatically. Enter blank line to edit/save message.;[C]ontinue, [D]elete, [E]dit, [F]ormat Line [H]elp!:[I]nsert, [J] Subject, [L]ist, [R]eplace Line [S]ave [Q]uit Editor Command: CDEFIJLRSHQ Message is empty! Message is full!#Continue to add text to message ... EDITHELP Abort messageU . 3 : ? N V e j q v !"!*!6!F!W!\!f!z! """'"B"J"["k"p" ###.#3#F#S#`#n#y#~# $9$c$h$x$ %%%*%7%<%K%S%d%i%x% &*&7&D&Q&\&i&v& (+):)N)\)a)f) + +(+6+E+r+ -2-A-Q-_- 2)2=2T2h2 3a3p3 4#434;4a4 6-6J6 64797G7Q7V7i7n7 8"818D8N8]8b8s8}8 9*92979<9H9l9~9 :(:>:N:Y:c:m:w: ;&;/;>;U;g;~; <2elp with Protocols xit to Menu Select Protocol: U SYSINFO.BBS System OperatorU TIMELOG.BBSU Creating/Rebuilding Index Files MSGINFO.BBS MSGTOIDX.BBS MSGIDX.BBS * Received * * Deleted *U USERS.BBS Creating new User File ALIAS.BBS&Alias file not found, creating new one MSGHDR.BBS&SHARE violation opening message files!( SHARE violation opening message files! Creating Message Header File MSGTXT.BBS Creating Message Text File MSGINFO.BBS MSGTOIDX.BBS MSGIDX.BBS SYSTEM.LOG Creating System Log%-------------------------------------. QuickBBS version 2.75 Ovr (Beta-11) Log FileU Missing U List of nodes in Zone , Net/Region cents to stop display or

to pause display.)Current list of Nets and Regions in Zone REGION NET U 3Enter Zone Number to Change to, [Enter]=No Change: Invalid Zone Number!U S to stop or P to pause. Current List of Zones: ZONE %You don't have enough netmail credit! - Point of cents Is the destination correctU There is no in the nodelist!U Current Net/Region: , ;Type node address, net/node address, zone:net/node address,"C"c"m"r" Minimum of characters required U ELSE with no associated IFU ENDIF with no associated IFU Unknown User answered on at U Unable to create/append .ASW!! Unknown Questionnaire Command: " < [ ` 2Enter file area to change to, or [Enter] to Quit: Press S to Stop or P to Pause.&Sorry, no available file areas to you.U OFFLINE U *System Error: No Directory Path Specified *F+System Error: Invalid file area specified! S stops, P pauses display.(Filename Size Date Time)------------- -------- --------- ----- *F+System Error: Invalid file area specified! FILES.BBS System Error: Missing Press S to Stop or P to Pause.U *System Error: No Directory Path Specified *F+System Error: Invalid file area specified! Enter Filename to View: U Invalid Filename! Try again ... File not found.U *F+System Error: Invalid file area specified! Enter GIF Filename: U Invalid Filename! Try again ... is not a valid GIF file! ] does not exist! Image is colors.U &System Error: No file path specified! *F+System Error: Invalid file area specified! \'Enter 1-12 Character Filename to Move: File not found! Enter Full Target Path Name: Moving File, Please Wait ... Overwrite Existing +Error occured while writing to target file!5Error occured while attempting to create target file! Unable to open Source File! Move Description Also#Moving Description, Please Wait ... FILES.BBS FILES.NEW Error while moving description! File description not moved! moved to U #LZH file contains structure errors! Error in LZH file data!U #ZIP file contains structure errors! Stored Shrunk Factor-1 Factor-2 Factor-3 Factor-4 Imploded Unknown %&ZIP file contains errors in file data!U Error in file! %# file contains errors in file data!U *F+System Error: Invalid file area specified! Enter Compressed Filename: U Invalid Filename! Try again ... .SDN T Y ^ m r } !2!9W9\9u9z9 :-:<:N:]:u: ;Q;c;n; <8<=)>:>E>T>q> ?&?+? EXITINFO.BBS DORINFO1.DEF BAUD,N,8,1U 8Invalid ERRORLEVEL specified, must be between 6 and 255. DOS Exit from menu at ERRORLEVEL U DOS system shell from menu Command Line: " EXITINFO.BBS DORINFO1.DEF DOS Shell Error: Invalid Function File and/or Path not Found Not enough memory"Bad environment (greater than 32k) Illegal .EXE file format Unknown ( Please inform the SysOp.U Q<0u% (<1u$ %QuickBBS, Version 2.75 Ovr (Beta-11) Wanted to Chat (Outside Hours) NOTAVAIL3Sorry, but the SysOp is not available at this time. hh:mm Try between and .%Wanted to Chat (Paged too Many Times) MAXPAGE#Sorry, you can only page the SysOp times per call.1Sorry, you can only page the SysOp once per call. Please do not annoy your SysOp. Reason for Chat? A Sysop: Press [C] to chat with user or [A] to abort page request SysOp Paged: Chatted with User SysOp Chat Mode Now Active ... SysOp Chat Mode Terminated ..."SysOp Paged: SysOp Aborted Request PAGEABRT&Sorry, but the Sysop is not available. SysOp Paged: No Response PAGEDFSorry, but the SysOp is not available at this time. Please try later.U i for ALL users S stops display, P will pause.GName City and State Last CallM----------------------------------- ------------------------- --------------- New City and State: Enter Current Password: Incorrect. Password unchanged. PASSWORD Enter New Password: Password unchanged. Re-enter for verification: #Passwords didn't match! Try again."Please remember your new password!U #How many lines per screen (10-66)? Screen length changed to lines. Screen length not changed.U #Current home/voice phone number is home/voiceU &Current business/data phone number is business/dataU ISorry, the full screen editor is only available if you have ANSI enabled.'The ANSI full screen editor is now off.&The ANSI full screen editor is now on.U &Screen clearing will not be performed. Screen clearing activated.U Page pausing turned off. Page pausing enabled.U *ANSI color/graphics will not be displayed.BANSI color/graphics option is not available at your connect speed. ANSI color/graphics enabled.U PHONENUM.CTL Invalid Phone Number!U Enter phone number (XXX)XXX-XXXX: phone number: Must Enter a Full Phone Number in the Form (XXX)XXX-XXXX. + Average System Usage by Hour for the Last Days O O |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| |OAvg O % 12 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 OAvg |-------------- AM -------------------|------------ PM -------------------|O % | 12 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 |U Current Time: Current Date: Connect Time: Min Time Used: Remaining Time: Call Limit: You have used % of your time this call, with % left.U Read master file on menu Data file not found!U USERON.BBS Users Currently On-Line Baud Location Local U Send message to user on line: There is nobody on that line! Sorry, does not wish to be disturbed. Sysop override: send anyhow? Message to on line (maximum 3 lines) Sending message... *** Message from Press [Enter] to continue Sent on-line message to (line Done!U USERON.BBS On-line messages disabled. enabled.U Name to use: Validating alias... Sysop System Operator%You can not use somebody else's name! User assigned alias record # Alias deleted. User selected alias " S,Please enter your date of birth [MM-DD-YY]: MM-DD-YY Invalid birthday! What is your gender (M/F)? 1 D \ o { 8 P U '!N!}! " "<"A"F"Q"s"x" "b#g# $V$d$y$ %>'H'U'Z'e'j' (5(F(K(U(`(i(n( (()6)N)j) *)*4*X*h* ,$,-,;,L,V,g,l,v, -*-2-7-C-S-`-h-m-u- --.=.G.R.\.f.k.v. /!///4/ 0 01060@0J0S0d0m0 1!1/191>1O1T1Y1i1 3)3.3E3J3d3n3x3 494H4s4 5!5,515L5b5u5 6"6*6/646Q6\6f6n6s6x6 7o7y7~7 838C8 9#9(9U9d9~9 :,:1:X:]:e:u: ;P<_ exit ^A capture (OFF) Caller: From N CTRL-W - Clears your window - CTRL-R Re-Displays the chat Screen Sysop: CAPTURE.LOG Capture open at Chatting with from U Capture closed at on U Sysop> User> U Capture file closed.U EVENTCFG.DAT hh:mm 00:00 dd-mm-yy 01-01-80U 5System Event Needs to Run, Please call back later ...U 5System Event Needs to Run, Please call back later ... TIMEWARN NOTICE: System event in , minutes, your time limit has been adjusted.U baud Local Security: Time: Line: (Graphics) (Wants Chat) [F9]=Help Business/Data Phone: Home/Voice Phone: D: Uploads: k in files Downloads: k today) Times Called: Last Call: Last Caller: Time now: Total System Calls: [Printer: [Local Screen: [PageBell: Alias: Age: Sex: F Sex: MKAlt C=Chat D=Snoop F=Flags H=HangUp J=Dos L=LockOut P=Prn S=Security T=TimeHAlt E=Edit [Pgup], [Pgdn], [Home], [End], [F1]-[F5] Change WindowU LIMITS.CTLU )=` u *NONE AVAILABLE* COMBINED.BBS.Combined save file not found, creating new oneU # 2 7 A P U _ n s } b